January 16, 2023

Collaborating with ChatGPT to Write Literary Fiction


I'm writing a novel about a young man trying to find his way toward a meaningful and rewarding career. He is 21 years old and attending a big 10 university in the midwest. He is working, during summer break, with his brother in a skilled labor (building trades) role in California.


That sounds like an interesting plot for a novel. The main character's experiences in the skilled labor field during summer break could provide valuable insight and character development as he navigates his way through college and ultimately decides on a career path. Additionally, the contrast between the Midwest and California settings could also add depth to the story. Good luck with your writing!

Me: How should I start this novel?


There are many ways to start a novel, but one popular method is to begin with an engaging and attention-grabbing opening scene that sets the tone and introduces the main character or characters. You could start with your main character working with his brother in the skilled labor field, or with him reflecting on his experiences and questioning his future career aspirations. Another option could be starting with an event that sets the main character on his journey toward finding a meaningful and rewarding career.

Another option is starting with the end of a chapter, and then moving back in time to explain how the main character got there.

You can choose the one that you think will be more engaging for your readers.

Whatever way you choose to start your novel, make sure it is engaging, and it provides a glimpse of what the novel is about.

Me: Can you give an example?


As the sun beat down on the construction site, 21-year-old Jack wiped the sweat from his forehead and took a moment to survey the half-built house in front of him. He had been working with his brother in California for the past few weeks, doing skilled labor in the building trades. He enjoyed the physical work and the sense of accomplishment it brought, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there had to be more to life than this.

He had always dreamed of doing something more meaningful with his life, but he didn't know what that was or how to get there. He had just finished his sophomore year at a big 10 university in the Midwest, studying engineering, but he wasn't sure if that was the right path for him.

As he picked up his hammer and went back to work, he made a decision. He would spend the rest of his summer break thinking about his future and figuring out what he truly wanted to do with his life.

This example opens with the main character Jack working at a construction site, it sets the scene and introduce the main character, it also establishes that Jack is questioning his current path and wants to find something more meaningful. It also hint that he will be thinking about his future during the summer break.

I hope this gives you an idea of how you can start your novel. Feel free to take the parts you like, and change the rest to make it your own.

TLDR: Disappointing (Along the lines of: https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/could-an-ai-chatbot-rewrite-my-novel)