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A Working Life

Plato once described the origin of sexes as the separation of an original creature with four arms and legs torn apart by the gods. The myth is an explanation of the origin of

A New World

I'm an Uncle now. My sister and brother-in-law have a daughter and she is one year old this month. She grows by leaps and bounds in every way, drinking in the world like

When the Smoke Clears

There was a window of time when life was, for me, unlivable and I retreated for weeks at a time to the California coast, as a refugee, living out of my small pickup

On the Craft of Building

What could be more natural than building a home for yourself? And, yet what is more rare than doing just that? I'm not talking about hiring an architect and a builder and collaborating

Raw Unrest

A state of unrest can result from the fatigue of inaction as easily as from the fatigue of over-exertion. In my life I have felt the latter more often. In fact the harder