October 3, 2020

When the Smoke Clears

There was a window of time when life was, for me, unlivable and I retreated for weeks at a time to the California coast, as a refugee, living out of my small pickup truck testing out my simple rig for mobile summer living.

I have a camper shell with a sport rack where I rigged a "road shower" made of a simple 4" tube of black ABS plastic fitted with foam mounts to the shell-rack and and filled with a simple 'T' fitted with a screw cap. Added to the rear end-cap by the tailgate are a bicycle style valve, at the top, to pressurize and a standard garden hose valve to pressurize to release the water through a pre-coiled hose with multiple flow settings. It only, really heats the water when it's already hot but it can be a life

Pacifica State Beach, Linda Mar California 2020 Eric Allen Youngson

The surf wasn't the attraction but sometimes you just have to get into the water. The relief at the end of the day, when air cleared and the night air, refreshed, free of the acrid smoke from uncounted fires burning just to the South and East.